Tag Archives: Bible

Mini-Reformation Tour, part 5

Reformation Day!

To be in Wittenberg for the celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the nailing of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses was truly a dream come true.

In order to make spend this special day to the fullest, we left our AirBnb early in the morning. An English service was being held at Schloßkirche at 8am and since Stephanie hadn’t yet seen the church, we decided to attend.

We arrived shortly after 7:30am and things were already PACKED. High security measures were being taken because of the large gathering as well as the anticipated attendance of political figures such as Chancellor Merkel for the afternoon services.

Schloßkirche seemed at capacity when we arrived, but the ushers actually led us all the way to the front to sit in the choir chairs. Actually, we got to sit in the ancient chairs of the knights and ruling lords who would attend services there. It was super cool!

Our advantageous seats allowed us to have perfect views of everything going on.

The service was very different from what I’m used to. For one, there was considerably more congregational participation. A stalwart aspect of Luther’s ideology in how worship services should be conducted, it was definitely highlighted in the program through readings, written prayers, and songs. I had never heard a chanted Psalm before, so that was pretty special.

The sermon was quite thought provoking. I’ll share my opinions about it in a future post.

To end the service, everyone joined together to sing (what else?) Ein Feste Burg. What a special moment to be singing this powerful hymn on this special day in the church that “started it all.”

Once the service had finished, we were encouraged to leave quickly in order for the staff to prepare for the 10am German-language service. This time we did get to walk through the Theses Door, which was very cool.

After leaving the church, we made our way to the other side of the village for breakfast and then to a special 360-degree panorama art installation by Yadegar Asisi. The work is enclosed in an enormous cylindrical building attached to a smaller building with an introductory exhibit that leads to the installation.

The panorama was at least two stories tall, and featured the village of Wittenberg as Luther would have known it. It looked like a combination of painting, photoshop, and some other medium I can’t quite name.

Lights and sounds were used to enhance the experience and make the viewer almost feel as if they were there in the early 1500s.

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We then returned to the Lutherhaus so Stephanie could enjoy all the wonderful artifacts and history that we saw on Sunday.

Right next door is the Melanchthonhaus, where Luther’s friend and colleague, Philipp Melanchthon used to live. This house wasn’t as crowded and seemed to have a better flow of foot traffic than Lutherhaus. The entire exhibit was more engaging, interactive, and appeared to be geared towards children.

Mommy, who had always liked to read and learn about Melanchthon, was surprised to discover that he was only 1.5 meters tall–just about her height!

Afterwards, we popped into Stadtkirche, or St. Marien’s Church. The sanctuary is enormous! Much larger than Schloßkirche, though not necessarily as detailed. This was the church that Luther worked, preached, and was married in. So much history everywhere!

There were other museums and lectures that we could have attended, but by the time we left Stadtkirche, we were all rather hungry.

We decided to dine at the Wittenberger Kartoffelhaus and enjoy as traditional of a German meal one can have being vegetarian. Fried potatoes and eggs, yes!

The rest of the evening was spent wandering around the festival. Theater performances, booths, and music were everywhere! Many people were dressed in period costumes, which made me wish I had something special to wear. Should have gone to the Maryland Renaissance Festival this year… oh well…

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Overall, the day was special, festive, and thought provoking.

I’m so glad that Mommy, Stephanie, and I were able to be in Wittenberg on this high day of celebration. I’m incredibly thankful for our AirBnb hosts that made it possible for us to visit this wonderful place and who were so kind and accommodating to us.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about our adventures and enjoy the pictures. I recorded several portions of our trip that I hope to put together in a short video. Be on the lookout for it!

Until the next adventure–Auf Wiedersehen!

–Wandering Minstrelette

Mini-Reformation Tour, part 3

First, I would like to say that my mother and I are safe. The wind storms that have been blowing through Northern Europe and Berlin has announced a state of emergency. Here in Wittenberg, we had rain and strong winds, but nothing too extreme. 


Schloßkirche, or Castle Church

I have wanted to visit this historic site for years, and the fact that I was able to come at such a high time is amazing. 

Our AirBnb hosts, Michael and Gudrun, have been wonderful to us. Not only did they pick up up last night, but Gudrun dropped us off early this morning in the middle of town to explore. 

And I’m so glad! It allowed us to visit Schloßkirche (Castle Church) before the crowds began to arrive. Let me tell you, standing before the Theses Doors, where Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses on October 31, 1517, has me a little “star-struck.” 

The original doors are no longer there, unfortunately, but the new ones fully depict the Theses and caused me to pause and imagine the moment that a rebellious, truth-seeking monk acted out a thought that would change the world forever. 

There’s a lot more I could share, but I think I’ll save that for the end of the trip. 😉

After visiting the visitor’s center, we discovered that the church was holding a service, so we decided to join. The inside of Schloßkirche is very beautiful, and it seems to have had a lot of work done on it since Luther’s time. 

Both Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon are buried there, and an original printed copy of the Theses and a few other documents are on display under the magnificently carved pulpit. 

Luther’s Theses printed by Jakob Thanner in Leipzig in 1517; only 87 are on this page. I believe the others are on the reverse.

Mommy and I would have had a chance to go through the Theses Doors if we (meaning I) hadn’t spent so much time looking at things. But we ended up discovering a visitor’s center/museum attached to the church filled with amazing images and information. 

You know, as a child I never enjoyed history. Now, I can’t seem to get enough of it. Somewhere along the way, I made the connection of how the past affected my present, and it’s relevance suddenly helped me not only find it interesting but enjoyable to study. 

So going through this center was like being in a candy shop for me. Not only was there a lot of information about Luther, but other lesser known Reformers that had just as significant of a role in spreading the new found truths of Scripture to the world. Not everyone got the limelight, but that does not in any way diminish their work or accomplishments. 

Many of these, such as Jonas Justus, Johannesburg Bugenhagen, Lucas Cranach, Johannesburg von Staupitz, and others were remarkable educators, supporters, and believers of Martin Luther and the mission God had endowed him. 

It’s important to remember that the Reformation was not a one man show, but a movement that began long before Luther and is continuing long after. Being here in Wittenberg, where Luther worked and lived, has helped me understand this more than ever before. 

The afternoon was spent walking around the city, enjoying the other historic attractions and watching people prepare the medieval market place that tomorrow will be filled much celebration. I’m going on Tuesday, so no worries–there will be pictures. 

We also visited Lutherhaus, on the opposite side of Wittenberg from Schloßkirche. A museum made of and built around Luther’s home, it was filled with artifacts of his life, told his story, and shared his legacy. 

A very fancy pulpit
A copy of Luther’s German New Testament with woodcut images. This is depicting a scene from Revelation.
An original copy of Luther’s “Table Talk,” written conversations that Luther and his friends had around a table discussing theological ideas.

The remains of what used to be Luther’s study room.

When I saw one of the letters written in Luther’s own hand, I will admit I teared up. Not necessarily because the document of great historical or theological significance, but the fact that it was something Luther had touched… It made me wonder about the person he was, the thoughts he had, the emotions he felt, the trials he went through…

It was not unlike the feel I had standing before the Ishtar Gates when I was in Berlin two years ago. 

I felt I was before some sort of timecapsule, and it was incredibly humbling. 

A letter to Kaiser Karl V from Martin Luther explaining why he chose not to recant at the Diet of Worms.

Have you ever had a moment like that? 
So, we had a day full of Luther today and will likely have it so again tomorrow. 

Barring any train cancellations, we hope to be in Eisenach to gain some more insight and for some new adventures. 

Until tomorrow!

-Wandering Minstrelette 

The Joy of Baptism

One of the things that I love about being part of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is that I can find believers around the world that share my thoughts and beliefs, and sometimes even challenge me and help me grow. I have been so blessed to be given the opportunity to stay with an family here in Berlin that I can go to church with and enjoy in a different and unique way, the fellowship that comes from worshiping together.

Today was particularly special because two individuals, a couple, had decided to give their lives to Christ and publicly announce their decision through baptism. Church members piled into cars and we drove from Berlin to Reichsburg, near where the couple lives, to have a Sabbath celebration of their decision.

Despite the cold and rain that we sat through during song service and the sermon, the joy in our hearts eventually was manifested in the sun shining brightly as we walked towards the lake, singing all the way. Three guitarists and an accordion player accompanied us, adding to the festive sounds of celebration and excitement for the new chapter these candidates would be starting in their lives. It seemed like the singing would never end and in all honesty, I don’t think any of us wanted it to. It was such a glorious event to be a part of.

At the LakeMusicians playing for the BaptismGathering to Pray for the Baptism

Wife getting baptizedHusband getting baptized

Starting a New Walk

The potluck that took place after also deepened our ties with one another, and allowed me the chance to interact for the first time with several members of the church that has become my family away from home. It is an international group – Kenyans, Koreans, Americans, Germans, English, and others. All I could think was how this must be a small portion of what heaven must look like. Everyone, of every race, creed, and tongue joining together singing the praises of God and fellowshipping with Christ and one another for eternity.

For those who are not aware, Seventh-day Adventist believe in baptism by immersion. This takes place once an individual is old enough and cognizant enough to be able to make a personal decision of having Christ as their Lord and Savior. The full immersion of the baptism signifies entering into the death that Christ died for us and consequently entering into a new life, as Christ did when He was resurrected and pardoned us from our sins.

Before the baptismal ceremony, candidates must go through Bible studies with a pastor to ensure that they understand what they are getting themselves into – because being a true Christian means you pay the highest cost: a life of living for Jesus and spreading His gospel. It may be a high cost, but it is also the best thing you could ever pay.

After completing the bible studies, candidates must also proclaim the baptismal vows on the day of their baptism. Some churches do this in private, between the pastor and the candidates alone, but I prefer it when it is done as it was today – publicly, in front of the church body. This is when the true presentation of faith takes place – verbalization of a belief can change one’s whole perspective and sometimes even that of someone else. It is a moment to be a witness in a way we seldom get the chance otherwise.

I am so glad to have been able to participate in today’s events; I was blessed and reminded of my own baptism in a river in the jungle of Belize and what that meant for me and my life. My prayers are with the candidates as they now start anew with new birthdays and fresh beginnings.

Please click here to enjoy our singing as we walked the candidates to the water.

If you are interested in learning more about what Seventh-day Adventists believe in baptism, please click here.

God bless, and until next time – safe travels.

-Wandering Minstrelette

Finale: Ten Days of Prayer

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. Against such there is no law.” – Galatians 5: 22, 23

Over the past ten days, we have been learning about and discussing the various fruits of the Spirit. Should we choose to dedicate ourselves fully to the Lord and His work, these are attributes that will develop and reign in us. Our characters shall be changed, molded ever closer into the image of the Son of God. As we choose to reflect the image that our Heavenly Father designed us to have, others will be drawn and become curious to know what is it that we have, what do we know that makes us so different?

I pray that these last few days have been a great blessing to you; they certainly have been for me. I have watched as God has worked in the hearts of individuals and encouraged them to take steps out of their comfort zone, but in line with will of the Lord. Do you have a testimony of something that has happened to you over these ten days? Or to someone else? Would you like to place a prayer request or share a praise report? My prayer warriors would be honored to pray on your behalf.

Scripture tells us to “pray without ceasing,” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). From these humble beginnings, bowing our hearts in earnest, constant prayer, true revival and reformation can and will take place. May we all strive to become more Christ-like. May we all choose to delve deeper into the Word of God, asking for the Holy Spirit to guide us in our studies. May we remember to focus on the Lord at all times and to rely on Him for our every need. May we surrender to the Lord all that is keeping us from an active, intimate relationship with Him. May we plead for a clean and pure heart of flesh to replace our hardened heart of stone.  May we more often and more earnestly seek the Lord in prayer. May we request and mightily receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

“Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord. Till He comes and rains righteousness on you.” – Hosea 10:12

Lord Jesus, help us to be prepared for the day when You return to take us to heaven with You. Amen.

May you be blessed!

-Wandering Minstrelette

Self-Control: Ten Days of Prayer

“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” -1 Corinthians 10:31

The idea of self-control seems rather foreign in today’s society. We want what we want, how we want it, and when we want it – which is usually, now! The image that comes to mind is that of a smorgasbord: hot food, ready and waiting, and there’s no limit to how much one can take. Well, except for the limit of your stomach capacity. But just because everything is available, doesn’t mean everything should be taken. Some foods should be avoided, others eaten in moderation. Remember that how you feed your body affects your mind – and the same goes for your character! The way you feed certain passions or desires, material or social wants, affects and molds the character. The question becomes, how are you being affected and to what end?

The profundity of the verse from Corinthians quoted above is that is presents two choices for us – our actions and decisions will either bring glory to God or they won’t. In short, everything is spiritual. Everything is spiritual because we are spiritual beings, made in the image of God who “is spirit” (John 4:24). Therefore, we have the grand responsibility of honoring God through our thoughts and actions. We must choose to take care of the body we have been gifted, for it was designed as a temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell in us (1 Corinthians 6:19, 20) meaning that we have to feed it right, exercise, and give it the air and sunshine it needs to stay healthy.

When we display self-control, we tell God that we trust in Him for all our needs and desires. I don’t need to eat all the food at the smorgasbord in one sitting because I know that my Lord will provide for my every need as He does for the sparrows, and we are much more valuable then they (Matthew 10:31).

So if there is something today that is taking up large portions of your life and you don’t seem to have any control (eating, drinking, sex, addictions to drugs or social media, bad tempers, etc.), ask the Lord to empower you with the desire and will to develop the fruit of self-control. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can overcome and regain an abundant life in Christ.

Ask the Holy Spirit today to bear in you the fruit of self-control.

Prayer Suggestions

Praise God that He give you strength to have self-control. Praise God for the ways He has given you strength to have self-control in specific situations.

Praise God that His strength is made perfect in your weakness.

Praise God that He is the one who give you willingness and helps you to have self-control.

Ask God to make you willing to have self-control.

Ask God to help you hate the things of the world and to give you love for Him and Him only. Tell Him about those things that you need to learn to hate.

Ask God to remind you every time you are tempted that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Ask God to help you do everything for His glory.

Ask God to help you live a life hidden in Him.

Pray for the united evangelistic and witnessing activities of every Christian man, woman, and child around the world. Pray that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit as we submit to His leading in our lives.

Pray that God will bring to the forefront godly, teachable, and humble leaders for the future who will provide Christ-centered leadership as His church fulfills its heaven-born mandate to the world.

Pray that Christ will bring peace and love into Christian families and homes. Pray that His presence will drive away abuse and stress through the sanctifying power of His righteousness.

Pray for any personal needs or anything on your heart.

Praise God that nothing is impossible with Him and that He has heard and answered your prayers.

May you be blessed!

-Wandering Minstrelette

Gentleness: Ten Days of Prayer

“Do not let your adornment be merely outward – arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel – rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.” -1 Peter 3:3, 4

Have you met a really beautiful person with an awful attitude? The two characteristics seems at odds with one another, yet we often find this dichotomy around us today. So what makes a person truly beautiful? Most would answer, their character. But what do they mean? What about their character would make them beautiful? Having all the aspects of the fruits of the Holy Spirit  is what makes someone a truly beautiful person, especially the fruit of gentleness.

Gentleness is not an attribute that is very much respected or honored in our world today. What we’re told is that to earn status and achieve our dreams we have to be aggressive, forward, pushy, and at times harsh or even mean. To build yourself up, you must push others down. To have power, you have to take it away from someone else.

How differently works the kingdom of heaven! “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth,” says Jesus in Matthew 5:5. As our example, Christ displayed gentleness and compassion to others even as they oppressed Him and crucified Him. Does this mean that we should let others walk all over us and abuse us? No, but I do believe it means that we are to rely on God for our every need, including protection from those who wish us harm. Instead of retaliating, let us choose rather to show our enemies kindness and thereby “heap burning coals on his head” (Proverbs 25:22).

The only way that we can gain a spirit of gentleness and meekness is by inviting the Holy Spirit to dwell within us that He might bear in us this much needed fruit. When this fruit is planted within us, we remember that God will fight our battles with and for us. When we honor the Lord with our lives, He exalts us to places and positions of power and influence that we often could not have ever imagined. Just read the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis!

Let us choose today to adorn ourselves not only with things that beautify us on the outside, but to put on a spirit of gentleness. Ask the Holy Spirit today to mold your character to become like the character of Christ, for it is a gentle, calming spirit that will create in the world the desire to know Jesus.

Prayer Suggestions

Praise God for the ways Jesus set an example of how to be gentle.

Praise God that He is calling us to learn from Him and that by imitating Him we can have peace.

Praise God that His gentleness is making us great.

Praise God that He teaches the humble His ways.

Ask God to give you His gentle wisdom.

Ask God to teach you how to be gentle.

Pray that God will teach you how to lift up with gentleness someone who is weak and has fallen.

Ask the Lord to teach you to be gentle even to those who are not gentle toward you.

Are there any people and situations in your life where you need to learn more gentleness? Pray for those situations, asking that you will learn from Him how to be gentle.

Pray that God will teach you how to humble yourself.

Pray for Christians schools that they will teach the truth of Christ and the Bible.

Pray for an increased emphasis on small-group outreach, so that all members are participating in personal witnessing and proclaiming God’s great truth in these last days.

Pray for any personal needs or anything on your heart.

Praise God that He does not withhold anything good from His children and that He is going to answer your prayers.

May you be blessed!

-Wandering Minstrelette

Faithfulness: Ten Days of Prayer

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. – Ephesians 2:8

How great is the Father’s faithfulness towards us! Despite our countless failures, missteps, and shortcomings God has remained ever faithful to His people. “If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself” (2 Tim. 2:13). God keeps His promises – He will not deny what He has promised He will give. One of His greatest promises to us is that if we ask anything in accordance with His will and in His name, He will give it to us.

Think – what an amazing promise that is! Remember that nothing is impossible with God, all we have to do is have faith in Him and believe not only in Him or on Him, but simply believe Him.

Yet, there is a part that we have to play as well for like muscles faith must be exercised. The day to day decisions we make condition us for how we will respond in times of great trial or great joy. “He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much” (Luke 16:10). Choose in each moment of every day to be faithful to the Lord and His desires for your life. Although you may not know where you are going or what you need to do, continue to step out in faith and trust that God is preparing your way before you. We are to walk by faith and not by sight.

So choose to believe God – believe that He loves and is devoted to you. Believe that He cares and provides for you. Believe that He has your best interest in mind and that in His time all things will come together. Believe and have faith, that you may be molded ever closer to the image of our Savior, Jesus Christ, who died to cleanse us of our sins and rose again that we might have eternal life.

Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!

Prayer Suggestions

Praise God for His faithfulness and forgiveness.

Praise God for the gift of faith.

Praise God that He does not change and remains faithful even when we are faithless.

Praise God that He rewards our faithfulness.

Pray that God will make you faithful in the small things. Tell Him some of those small things in which you need to learn to be faithful.

Pray that God will give you faith and help you believe.

Pray that God will teach you to walk by faith and not by sight. Pray for specific situations in which you need to learn to walk by faith and not by sight.

Pray that you will not trust in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

Pray that God will increase your faith.

Pray for your local pastor, asking that God will give your pastor an abundant measure of faith.

Pray that every church leader around the world holds deeply to a faithful spiritual and evangelistic perspective.

Pray for the increased use of Christian literature by all church members and for increased emphasis on literature evangelism, both through hard copy and electronic formats.

Pray for any personal needs or anything on your heart.

Praise God for being faithful and answering your prayers. Praise Him for what He is going to do.

May you be blessed!

-Wandering Minstrelette

Goodness: Ten Days of Prayer

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him! – Psalm 34:8

Have you ever taken a moment to just ponder on the goodness of God? I mean, really dwell on it?

To think that, despite everything that we have done to God – disobeying Him, rejecting Him, dishonoring Him, and even crucifying Him – He still thinks good and loving thoughts towards us. The Lord wants to bestow upon us the bounties of heaven, if we just align ourselves with Him and ask for His blessings. He wants us to share this goodness with others, that we might be a reflection of His character and draw all to Him.

I have heard it said from some people who have been hurt by religious individuals that their religion is to do good. But how can one truly do good without God? Jesus Himself said that no one is good but God. To be good means we must have God working in and through us.

Invite the Holy Spirit to work in you today. Pray that He will instruct and guide you on how to be good to God, yourself, and others that the Lord may be glorified in all things. Share His character and watch Him work.

Prayer Suggestions

Praise God for His goodness toward you.

Praise God that a good man obtains favor of the Lord.

Praise God for specific situations in which you could see His goodness toward you.

Praise God that all things work together for the best for those who love God.

Ask God for wisdom and understanding that  you may do everything in the meekness of wisdom.

Ask God to show you how to manifest goodness toward your family members and your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Ask God to help you show goodness to strangers.

Pray that the Lord will teach you to see and appreciate His goodness.

Pray for increased interest in studying the books of Daniel and Revelation. Pray that people will understand and proclaim the sanctuary service as a beautiful explanation of the salvation process. Pray for clear focus on Christ and His work for us during His life on earth, His death on the cross, His resurrection, His current ministry for us in the Most Holy Place in heaven, and His soon second coming.

Pray for increased participation and commitment in evangelistic outreach by all church members and institutions as they support the ongoing mission of the church.

Pray for the establishment of thousands of “centers of influence,” especially in large cities around the world, and pray that these centers make a huge difference in people’s lives as they experience God’s truth through Christian service.

Pray for any personal needs or anything on your heart.

Praise God that He delights to answer your prayers and that He is going to answer at the right time and in the right way.

May you be blessed and touched by the Holy Spirit!

-Wandering Minstrelette


Kindness: Ten Days of Prayer

“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.” -Ephesians 4:32

God has set a high standard for us as His children, a very high standard. Read the verse above. Remember that He says to love one another as I have loved you. Christ tells us during His sermon on the amount that we are to be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect.

“Impossible!” you say, “how can we reach this standard?”

Of your own efforts, it is impossible. But remember, “with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).

God wants to mold us into the perfect character of His Son, Jesus Christ. He wants us to share the same characteristics of Christ, a major one of which was kindness.

Read through anyone one of the gospels, notice how Jesus regards those who were outcasts, how He respects those in lower levels of society, and how He handles others of a higher status when they come to seek Him. He is kind to all, without regard to race, status, gender, age, or faith. Even His dealings with the Pharisees were a result of kindness since Christ was hoping to lead them away from their firmly held traditional beliefs and open their eyes Him who was the fulfillment of their ancestors’ hopes and dreams. Never did Jesus do or say anything without a direct purpose or to teach a lesson to His followers. More than anything, His kindness touched even the hearts of stone in an attempt to draw them back to God.

We are asked to carry the same drive of sharing kindness to others. Be courteous and respectful to everyone – most especially your enemies AND your family. Sometimes, family can be the hardest group to be kind to, but God tells us that if we ask, He can equip us with the ability to be kind to all whom we encounter day to day.

Invite the Spirit today to come create in you a new heart and mind that seeks to show kindness to all.

Prayer Suggestions

Praise God that He calls us to do into others what we want them to do to us.

Praise God that He can give you the strength to be kind.

Praise God for specific situations in which you could see His kindness toward you. Praise God that He can make you and keep you blameless until He comes again.

Ask God to give you the strength to be kind to everyone, including family members and enemies.

Has anyone been unkind to you? Pray that God will teach you how to be kind to that person. Pray also that God will give you forgiveness in your heart toward that person.

Pray that God will show you how to be kind to strangers.

Ask God to make you a new creation and give you a new heart. Tell Him about the people to whom you need to show more kindness.

Pray that God will give a full understanding of Christ’s method of wholistic ministry, allowing all church members to meet people’s needs and follow Christ’s pattern of service to others.

Pray for a tremendous increase in spiritual support for Christian young people who attend public campuses. Pray that they become vibrant missionaries serving others at public universities and colleges worldwide.

Pray for all members to spend more time in Bible study and prayer, allowing God to fully direct His people according to His will and not ours.

Pray for any personal needs or anything on your heart.

Praise God that whatever you ask in His name and according to His will, He will do for you.

May you be blessed!

-Wandering Minstrelette